Guidance for youth programs operating in summer 2022

Ohio State has updated the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website to provide guidance for youth programs operating in summer 2022. This update includes guidance on safety and wellness monitoring, vaccination policy for youth/minors programs, contact tracing, program approval and other event safety practices. 

I am thrilled that, under this guidance, university youth activities and programs may more fully return to in-person programming this summer, including residential programs that have not taken place on campus since 2019. 

Beyond COVID-19 requirements, all programs that follow the Youth Activities and Programs Policy (formerly called the Activities and Programs with Minor Participants Policy) are also required to register their program and follow policy requirements. Please take a moment to update your program registration as you prepare or change your program plans.

Update Registration

As you plan for remaining summer and fall programs, please remember to register your youth activities and programs. A personnel roster that is required to be entered and the system can send automatic emails, including updates and reminders, to anyone working and/or volunteering in a youth activity or program. 

To register your program: 

  1. Go to the registration system and click “+ register a program”
  2. Enter the required program or activity information 
  3. Add your roster by uploading a spreadsheet or manually entering names and emails
  4. (Optionally) Add a youth participant roster. Residential camps may be required to maintain these records for contact tracing. Check Safe and Healthy Buckeyes for current events guidance. 
  5. Complete the compliance self-check

To change or update your program details:

  1. Go to the registration system and click “my programs”
  2. Click the name of the program you would like to update or change
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “edit”
  4. Update program details 
  5. Click “save and continue” 

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